Saturday, 4 December 2010


For some reason there seems to be alot of snow about and we just don't know why... Maybe it is because it is winter but who knows. We have had to invest in some over shoes for the chilly weather as well as some winter riding gloves! Not the best idea to ride wearing fingerless gloves!

Because of the snow it has obviously put a anchor down on us for now as we can't really go out biking in terrible conditions but despite this we have been routinely attending the gym and eating leaves. Apparently eating leaves, which are healthy along with doing doing exercise is the best way to get winter proof! (we are obviously lying about the leaves)

Soon, we will have some more photos to put up of some of us out on our bikes and possibly some videos too! So make sure you keep checking back so that you can see how cold it really is, once you have seen photographic evidence of icicles hanging from our noses.
